Monday, October 5, 2009

I Am Woman...

... hear me roar! I was finally done with having to share my room with babies. I told Jeff a while ago that Erica really needed to get out of the room with Aidan and Sofia needed out of ours. So I took action. First I asked if Jeff had any attachment to the insanely large computer desk we got from his friend. When he said 'no' I went to work planning the layout in my mind. It has been bliss having Erica go to bed in her own room (sharing with the computer of course) and not have her yell out "mommy, Aidan is bothering me..." I got Sofia out of my room and I had forgotten how big my room really was, that crib took up a lot of space. So here are the before and after pictures. Unfortunately I started to take pictures after I already started on the desk, there was a big shelf that went over and around the big monitor.

This is what it looked like when I started. By now I had the top of the desk off and in the dumpster and the two bookshelves moved. The smaller one is in my room and the large one... you'll see.

Once the table was down, but not out for the count yet, I was able to get it downstairs but not in the dumpster, tooooooo heavy.

This is the new home for the larger book shelf. Despite having to share her closet with the books and some other things... she has room for her clothes. Cramming three kids shirts and dresses made for little browsing room.

This is what it looks like now! If you've never seen our office and all the crap we loaded in there you really can't appreciate this view.

So there is no space in my room for the computer, but the small card table makes it not seem so large and intense. I have already told Erica that the computer and the brown box are off limits, she's good about following that rule.

And finally, her bed, of course it's made up now. But I was just too excited to get pictures of the wonderful, non cluttered up, room. And again, such bliss having the kids in the rooms they are in now.


Laura said...

Isn't that a wonderful feeling? I love purging and re-organizing when it DESPERATELY needs to be done. And I can only imagine how pumped Erica is to have her own room. Good work!

Keeping up with the Bonacci's said...

nice job Terri! Now you can come over and do that at my house!