Friday, March 12, 2010

The Holidays

She wanted to be a Monarch butterfly, but by the time I went to get the costume Wal-Mart had sold out. So Erica was a pixi (according to the package). The wings were on for about 10 minutes, they were too much of a bother for her.

Last year Aidan had so much fun and got a lot of candy he could eat. So this year was a no-brainer to let him go out. He had the choice of spiderman or the firefighter. He's still my little super hero!

Thanks to my friend Angie, Sofia had the cutest costume ever! The down side was it was a bit top-heavy and she was always falling over. Cutest little chicken I ever saw!

Before everyone got to the house I quickly got a cute photo of all the kids. I think Sofia was tryin to escape her sister and Aidan just flew into the shot.

"Ummmm.... why are you singing to me and what is that thing on my cake?"

"Ok, now what do I do? If I wave my hand a lot will the hot thing go away?"

I think this is her 3rd or 4th cupcake! She just loved them.

I love this picture. Grandma Adams gave her this baby doll. She sleeps with it every night.

I had the chance to go to Erica's school and help out with making gingerbread houses. You remember those...? Graham crackers and a milk carton and lots of icing. Well the kids did great and it was about an hour of "can i have some of..." before we were done.

So proud of her work. I had to tell her, and every other kid, to stop eating all the candy. If they continued eating the way they did there wouldn't have been any left to decorate with.

I brought it home so it would survive the trip. But will it survive when Erica gets home?

NOPE! She dove right in as soon as she could.

I would have more pictures from christmas.... but I can't find them. I guess Grandpa Webb has them on his camera. But this was too cute. They all wanted to help Grandma Adams clean up dinner.


Keeping up with the Bonacci's said...

Your babies are all so big!!!! What happend? I love the Sofia chicken! Looks like fun! I miss you!

amylouwhosews said...

cute pics! hope we get to see you soon! xo

Laura said...

Oh my gosh . . . I love them! I miss you all so much. I can't get over Sofia downing those cupcakes or in that duck costume.