Saturday, January 29, 2011

The January Blah!

ok, so january has been a boring month. it started out with a nice trip to grandma and grandpa webb's house for a late christmas. i took the kids up saturday morning and as soon as we got there they went nuts. they love their cousins, and since they moved to north carolina we don't get to see them as often. we had a great time visiting and, of course, eating. my mother-in-law is one fantastic cook. i swear, just looking in her fridge i gain a pound or two.

so i left around 8pm by myself! a christmas present to me. i like a quiet drive home after a few hours of happy insanity. and after having church at 2pm for a year, i was not looking forward to getting four people and a lesson ready for 9am church. funny though, services hadn't even started yet and i leaned over to my mom and said "i'm bored". she laughed.

a good friend from college has moved with her family back to virginia and came up for a visit one day. too bad i didn't get any pictures. it was great to visit with her and to meet her husband and cute little boy. aidan loved having a new friend as well. the visit soon sparked the idea of a reunion of the "3rd floor babes", i'll get pictures of that when it happens next month.

so other than two visits and some snow, not much has happened this month. which is the reason for a serious lack of pictures. oh wait! did i forget to mention that i have been accepted and will be attending JMU this spring? right now i'm waiting on financial help, but i am way excited. so take a look at what few pictures i have and then just wait until next month.

little maggie! her hair was everywhere, but that just enhanced her cutie-pie-ness.

my nephew andrew got to open the first present. we tried for order... that lasted maybe two minutes.

aidan gets into his jammies as soon as it gets dark. doesn't matter if it's only 3 in the afternoon. he was the only one ready for bed before dinner was even started.


Becca said...

So I've been calling us the '3rd floor girls', but I think '3rd floor babes' sounds much better!! Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!! :)

alyssa said...

januarys are ALWAYS boring, i'm excited you're going to JMU! good luck with everything!