Tuesday, February 22, 2011

cockroach hockey!

ok, so there are no pictures of anyone playing cockroach hockey. but we did play that when i was in college. those suckers were huge and no one wanted to touch them. so we busted out our brooms to sweep them out.... then turned it into a game. we were just that twisted.

soooo, i lied. i thought i was going to take so many pictures this particular weekend and didn't. at least i brought my camera! i said in an earlier post that a college friend moved back to virginia with her family and came up to visit, which inspired her to decide to have a reunion of the '3rd floor babes' that lived close by (within a 5-6 hour driving distance). she sent out the emails and we then set the date. she suggested my mom's house (she has to room and considers my friends her non-dna children) and i 2nd it.... then told my mom about it. mom was very excited! one of the girls lived with us for a summer, one we were always giving rides up to NoVa so she could visit her family and the third was in just about every story i told when i was home for vacations. well, they were all in the stories. there were 11 of us that did everything together, but only 6 of us live on the east coast and within easy driving distance. as it turns out, one friend was supposed to come up as a surprise, but that plan fell through. i was supposed to be without my kids for the weekend, but at the 11th hour the daddy called and said he wasn't coming down. oh well, my kids had a 'mommy free' weekend.... so it wound up being ok! there will be another reunion!

we made a special trip (twice because i forgot my keys the first time) to my place to get all my old college pictures. so fun to look back at all the crazy things we did.... and then remember all the other crazy things we did but don't have the pictures to prove the stories.

since i was ignoring her for stories of the old days, sofi decided to snuggle up with the one person that would not ignore her... she let grandpa be her friend for two whole days!

yes, my child is just so lovely! we got them ready for bed at least three hours before they actually went to bed.

once they got off their sugar high (about 10:45pm) they crashed. because we stuck them up in the loft we could hear the snoring. and as far as i know, no one fell off the bed from lack of space.

she crashed first! and since we have grown up a bit... we just take pictures of the sleepers instead of sticking their bra in the freezer.

she woke me up soooo early. not a big fan of it. by now she was hoping my friends would wake up so i would leave her alone.

so engrossed he had no idea i got the camera out.

sunday morning cartoons are just as good as saturday... yes, we skipped church and no, we don't feel guilty.

thanks to my parents i was able to enjoy my friends visiting. they play the role of babysitter so well. (fyi - the 'beans' that go to the game my dad is holding WILL come back out of a child with little effort or pain....)

anyone that comes to my parent's home gets the 4-1-1 on momma's stove. she should get a job as 'aga endorser'... she loves her stove and people always have a ton of questions for her which she is more than happy to answer.

the real reason for the reunion.... to eat nothing but junk like we used to (ha ha ha). good thing i don't have a scale to yell at me anymore, cause i'm sure it would be makin some major protesting noises.

i'm not that tall, just wearin boots. aaaaaand, i look like i'm tryin to hard to make me look good in the picture (which i was). i think we finally got dressed for the day at 3:30 and the girls left soon after the picture session.

this is our favorite.... we call it the 'strangling picture'. i will always have a special place in my heart for these girls!

emma is just like erica... only two inches taller. funny thing is she is two years younger as well. they hit it off, too bad they couldn't remember each others name.

yes, she is wet down the front. no, it's not from diaper malfunction. it's from tryin to steal my friends water.

she wasn't feeling too good the whole day, must have been all that junk food the day before. jeeze, where was her mother?!

a beautiful ending.... sort of. the sky was all pretty like, just wish my kids were to each other once we got home.

1 comment:

Becca said...

It was the perfect weekend, and YES, we should do it again soon! Miss ya!