Friday, December 26, 2008

New outfit!

This very cute outfit came from Uncle Sam and Aunt Laura. It's a 3mo size; I though she would be "swimming" in it (not so as you can see). A quick wash this morning and I decided to go ahead and put it on her for the Jones Family Christmas hoop-la. She was the hit of the party, until the other newest addition came, so they shared the title. But isn't this dress just so dag-gone cute?!
She really wasn't up for the pictures, but I made her sit up and she wasn't a huge fan of that. She really just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep.
Looking ever so thoughtful... or just wondering if filling her diaper like this would make it leak out the sides.

1 comment:

Gramma Adams said...

These two pictures...she looks like she's 3 months old not just 3 weeks!! So cute!