Friday, September 2, 2011

First Week Done

ok, so this is my first non-picture post.... this a new thing for me. but so many people have asked me how school is going i figured that i'll just add that info in with the kid's stuff.

my first week went great!!! though that first day was hard on my legs and butt. i have never been on a campus where you go uphill to just about everything. on the upside, great workout; on the downside, i'm all sweaty and gross when i get to class. so i am wishing for an early fall.

i am taking four classes, which makes me a full time student, and i love all but one. they are gen.ed. communications (mostly freshman), gen.ed. writing (again, mostly freshman), us history and (you'll love this) psychology of human intimacy.

the class i don't love, just like, is my writing class... the professor isn't as lively as the others. but her expectations are not insanely high and she is wanting quality over quantity, i think i can do that. my communications class is great, despite my age difference with everyone in it. we're a quiet class, but i help break the ice most days. the prof loves my different perspective. my psychology class is the one i have been looking forward to the most. the title is what got my attention, then i read the course description and said "i have got to take this!!!" a few emails to the prof and i got in with no problems. he wants me in the class for my experience and i told him that i have no issues with being the class guinea pig.

so i thought i would hate my history class, since i am not very good at it. but i changed my mind as soon as the professor walked in. he was wearing a coat and tie, jeans, flip-flops and carrying a skateboard. can we say unconventional?! the man has no issues with cursing in front of students and letting us know his exact opinion of anything. he is intense and expects a great deal out of us, but he also wants us to have fun. i only have his class twice a week, but he requires us to go to a discussion class and he just happens to be the leader for my time. i'm way excited.

so all in all... a good first week. i got my assignments done this week early and have already finished another that's not due until thursday of next week. i think that means i have grown up a bit. what do you think?


alyssa said...

your classes sound way fun! ugh i hated my writing class back at byu-i. the professor was so boring and i was always confused as to what he wanted. your psych class sounds really interesting. yeah i think you're a big girl now :) i was HORRIBLE at finishing my assignments. good luck with your classes!

Scott and Katy Adams said...

you. go. girl......and your going to get in good shape....I remember hauling my butt around BYU campus in the 10 min break between classes, sometimes I almost had to run. BYU campus is even bigger then JMU! but you can do it!