Thursday, November 3, 2011

my kids

i just love this picture. so, as promised, here are some pictures of my children... yes, they are still around. it hasn't been a particularly busy time, i just have been guilty of a lack of picture taking. i promise to get better, but i'm not sure we're gonna have many picture opportunities until christmas. i do have some on my phone, maybe i'll post those. but until then, you'll have to do with my late-in-posting halloween pictures (and that random snow we got right before it).

my little brother and his wife got these pumpkins for my kids. wasn't that so nice of them? i thought so. apparently there was a huge sale where they went. anyways, i wouldn't let the kids carve the pumpkins three weeks early, so they drew the faces. two pumpkins met an untimely demise by mold within a week or two. aidan's is still kickin though, but still not carved.

my little witchy-poo.... literally! oh, she wanted to dress up as the witch, she just had that attitude everyday for about a week. this was erica's costume when she was 4, best $16 spent! three days later and she's still asking where here "coseum" is.

the hit of the ward halloween party and trick-or-treating the following monday! this was my little brother's costume when he was 4. so it's about 23 years old. it even had working lights on it. sooooo, DON'T THROW AWAY the good costumes. my little brother is expecting candy royalties since he made this cute first (ummmm, nope!)

cap hooooook! well, that's what sofia said she was. the shirt was my mother's, the vest was my grandma's, the gold thing on her head was fabric from a roadshow production of annie.... recycling at it's best baby!

erica was the supervisor while aidan attempted to clear our sidewalk

sofia had to have a turn shoveling the slushy snow... she gave up after one push

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