Sunday, November 13, 2011

a week of nothing to come

this is my last week before a nice week off for thanksgiving. i can't wait, but it won't be totally school work free. with two projects due right after the break.... i'll be gettin a bit chummy with my computer.

my communications class is one of my projects. i just finished up my 'this i believe' speech, got a big fat A on the paper part and waiting on the speech grade. my professor suggested i submit my speech to the 'this i believe' website, which i just did, and i'll hear in about six weeks whether they will accept it. i don't know if he made that suggestion to anyone else, but i like to think i was just special enough. next up is the informative speech. when i asked if we could be funny he said "oh please, yes!" so mine is going to be on 'how to make an apple pie'. not many college freshman know how to bake much, let alone a pie. this needs to be a power point, so i have some pictures to take, an outline to write and a lot of practice ahead of me. i have two weeks. oh, just took my second test on friday, got another B... i'm happy with that.

my writing class is the other project. for our third paper we need to write a short narrative. then we need to add pictures to it then upload to youtube. i have the narrative part done and will have the conference on it tuesday. this whole week class is canceled for the conferences and because no one will be here friday before the break. so i have two weeks for this project as well. my only problem is that the program i need to it isn't working right. it's a sound thing. but i'll get my computer-geek husband to help me out and see what we can do. after that, a revision for one of my projects and we can call this class done!

history is just peachy. no word on my test results yet, i'm starting to get paranoid about it. i know i answered the questions pretty thorough, but i'm not sure it's what he wanted. the unknown is awful!!! so far we have talked about FDR and the new deal, all the different groups that fought in WWII and the boarder crossings in arizona (the discussion section). i only have the final left... on a saturday! how did we luck out with that?! anywho...

so i have two of my classes for next semester lined up. a biology class and an online math class. my brain is not really on the smarty-pants side so i went with the 'dumb peoples' math and science. i know where my limits are, so no correction needed for my 'dumb people' remark. i need to get an override for my next writing class and photography because i'm not on the list for the specific majors that these classes go with. those people get first priority and i have to wait, but since i'm not a 'traditional' student i may get a little help. i tried to be nice with my schedule for my mom's sake, all my classes are on MWF and none at night. she should be happy about that.

1 comment:

alyssa said...

oh man i would love to take another photography class! and i hear ya on the dumb math class. i think i've taken basic algebra classes so many times that i better be able to help my kids when they're older!